Basics of AUD

Alcohol and Health

How to Stop Drinking

Medication for Alcoholism

Recovery Coaching


Empower your employees, increase productivity & decrease costs

Excess alcohol use costs at least $179 billion each year in lost productivity

Could your employees benefit from access to support? Schedule a call to learn more.

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Over 14 million adults in the US struggle with alcohol use disorder

  • 80% of these adults are either in the workforce, or dependent on someone who is
  • Employees with alcohol use disorder (AUD) miss 34% more work per year than their colleagues—as many as 500 million lost workdays each year
  • Regular binge drinkers are almost 4 times as likely to show a drop in productivity
    Less than 8% of adults with AUD receive treatment each year

Read more: Alcohol & Workplace Productivity

professions that drink the most

Ria’s Program Is:

Affordable: Ria’s program is engagement-based, meaning you only pay for what employees use
Convenient: Our app integrates treatment into daily life—no more taking time off to attend rehab
Impactful: Our members reduce their drinking by an average of 75% in the first year *

How It Works

Ria Health uses telemedicine to provide evidence-based treatment for alcohol use disorder from anywhere. Our methods are backed by peer reviewed studies, and include:

medication for alcohol


Medications proven to reduce alcohol cravings over time


Harm Reduction

A goal of moderation or abstinence, depending on the individual’s needs


Medically Managed Care

Customized treatment plans overseen by our expert medical team


Psychosocial Support

Recovery coaching, behavioral therapy, and online support groups

Learn more about how the program works for our members

Long-Term Savings

Treating employee substance use reduces absenteeism, improves productivity, and lowers overall healthcare costs. Each employee in recovery can save your business thousands of dollars per year.

decrease spend

Employees with alcohol use:

  • Incur twice as many healthcare costs as their peers
  • Are 3.5 times more likely to be involved in an accident at work
  • Have a 16% higher job turnover rate
cost going down

Employees who receive treatment:

  • Show a 36% decrease in absenteeism
  • Are 13% less likely to change jobs
  • Make fewer emergency room visits every year and spend less time in the hospital, reducing healthcare costs by 30%

How much could your business save by offering alcohol reduction treatment?

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RIA Health Member Engagement chart

Effective, Lasting Results

  • On average, Ria Health members reduce their drinking by 75% in the first 12 months
  • More than 50% of members remain with the program for at least 6 months (vs 12% with Vivitrol alone)
  • Ria Health has already helped over 4,000 members improve their relationship to alcohol
employee alcohol reduction benefits ria health

Simple Billing, Engagement-Based Pricing

  • Ria’s program can be billed directly through medical claims, so there’s no need for complicated administrative setup
  • Ria charges based on patient engagement. Pay only for members who stay enrolled and committed to achieving meaningful results
  • Our payment structure incentivizes the best outcome for everyone involved
alcohol treatment benefits for employees

Easy Implementation

  • Ria Health customizes the rollout process based on the needs of each company
  • We analyze historical data to determine the financial impact of untreated alcohol use disorder on the business and its employees
  • Our company develops effective campaigns to bring awareness of treatment options to covered members, so that each person gets the help they need

Help your employees work and live their best

Get in touch today to learn more

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