Isn’t time travel cool? Being able to jump from one time to another sounds so appealing, but has anyone ever actually done it? Well yes, in fact, I have time traveled a lot in my life—but not in the way that you may be thinking, no.
I have skipped hours and days of my life because of binge drinking alcohol and blackouts. Countless times I have skipped through key moments in my life, to wake up the next day and not remember a thing.
What is “Blacking Out?”
A blackout is defined as “a temporary loss of consciousness,” or a “suppression of information.” In terms of drinking, it can be even scarier than that.
In my early 20’s, I developed an issue with alcohol and binge drinking. Nearly every time that I had a single sip of alcohol, it would lead to a loss of memory, hurting myself and the feelings of others, and a gap of time that I would never get back. Whether it was making a new friend, having a risque sexual encounter, getting into a fight, driving, making a fool out of myself, or being the life of the party, I would never know what happened unless I heard it from someone else’s perspective.
I thought I had an incurable disease, a monkey on my back that would never cease to be an issue—a “dark passenger” for all you “Dexter” fans. I figured I would have to waffle through life and cling to the hope that nothing too terrible would ever happen to me. I tried to suppress this habit by going sober—four different times. That didn’t work so well. I rebounded each time harder into a binge that would result in a circumstance even worse than the previous sobriety-inducing situation. I felt like David, staring up at Goliath.
I began to think to myself, “If I continue on this road, I will either wreck my life, be put in jail, or be dead—it’s just a matter of when, not if. How can I deal with this? Being sober is too difficult in a society that celebrates drinking the way ours does. Why can’t I just be like all the other normal people?”
Well, they say you can’t have your cake and eat it too. But I now beg to differ. During the period of going sober for the 4th time, I became somewhat depressed about my situation. I longed to be able to just have a drink here and there, but I knew what would happen to me if I did. “One is too many, and twenty is not enough.” So the saying goes, and I couldn’t have agreed more, as terrible as it made me feel. What could the answer be?
Schedule a private call with a Ria Health team member and we can help you get started.
How I Discovered Naltrexone
The answer first came in the form of a TED Talk. The speaker was a woman who moved confidently and effortlessly across the stage, impassioned in speech as if she had slain an immortal foe. In fact, this woman had defeated an invincible enemy—that of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). Her weapon of choice, pulled directly from King Arthur’s Stone, was naltrexone—one little pill.
As she enraptured the audience with her strong words and her impenetrable demeanor, I began to feel a shift. Could a different future for myself be possible? At first, I must admit, I was skeptical. How could this little pill conquer something so ingrained in my mind as something so indomitable? As she continued, though, her fervor began to take me over. I was captivated.
This warrior’s name is Claudia Christian and she is the face of the C Three Foundation, a non-profit organization that promotes The Sinclair Method (TSM). TSM is a form of extinction therapy for AUD developed by Dr. David Sinclair that aims to eliminate a person’s cravings for alcohol. Claudia has made it her life’s mission to bring attention to this method of defeating alcohol addiction.
I found myself so inspired by Claudia’s story that I immediately did a Google search and came across her documentary, “One Little Pill.” After watching this, and finding other warriors like Katie Lain with Embody Daily, I knew that I had to try it. But how?
In came Ria Health—a small army of doctors, nurses, coaches, and advocates who help those in need to face their issues with AUD. At Ria, I was treated like a real person—not someone to be shamed or forced into sobriety. I was given clear advice on how to utilize TSM and medication. I was coached through the ins and outs of naltrexone and TSM, while being given free reign to use it in the way that worked best for me. The Ria Health team are pioneers in their field. They care. They will help you.
My Life After Ria Health
Six months later, I sit here looking at my stockpile of naltrexone tablets, reflecting on how I now have my life back. When I want to drink, I do. I take my one little pill, wait an hour, and indulge myself in a few drinks. Then, I stop—and it doesn’t hurt like it used to. The extinction therapy works.
I now feel like a normal person who has the freedom to live life to its fullest. Is it difficult, you may ask? Actually, no, not at all. The difficulty was living without naltrexone. In my case, I wanted nothing more than to be able to have a drink or two and go on living life—not blacking out, not making a fool of myself. With this one little pill, Ria’s guidance, and a positive mindset, I too have been able to defeat my Goliath.
What are you waiting for?
If you or anyone you love suffers from AUD, give Ria a call at (800) 504-5360, or visit their website at today. A representative will be happy to talk with you about TSM.