Basics of AUD

Alcohol and Health

How to Stop Drinking

Medication for Alcoholism

Recovery Coaching

Ashley Cullins

Ashley Cullins

Ashley Cullins is a writer with a passion for creating engaging, understandable content on complex topics like addiction and mental health. She has over five years of experience writing for healthcare websites and publications. Having experienced addiction first-hand in her family, Ashley deeply connects with Ria Health’s mission to make treatment easier and more accessible. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her daughter, reading, and cooking.

Articles by Ashley Cullins

several medications in blister packs against a yellow background

Antabuse vs. Naltrexone: Which Works Best for Alcohol Use Disorder?

Medication is a proven option for treating alcohol use disorder (AUD), and there are several FDA-approved choices available through prescription..


April 26, 2024
couple how to help your partner quit drinking

How to Help My Partner Cut Back on Drinking

When your significant other struggles with a drinking problem, it can have a major impact on the health of your.


April 11, 2024
alcohol and inflammation rushing water

Does Alcohol Cause Inflammation? Drinking and the Risk of Chronic Illness

As scientists investigate the causes of dangerous and deadly diseases, they’ve found one factor common to almost all of them:.


March 18, 2024
pink flowers in heart shape, sober valentine's day

7 Sober Valentine’s Day Date Ideas

Picture Valentine’s Day, and you probably think about roses, chocolate, a nice meal, and a bottle of wine. But if.


February 14, 2024
football field, sober super bowl

How To Have a Sober Super Bowl: 7 Tips for Game Day

Football fans across the country are getting ready for the biggest game of the year. Whether that involves major Super.


February 10, 2024
heart ornament on tree, holiday heart syndrome

What Is Holiday Heart Syndrome? Drinking Safely During the Holidays

“Holiday heart” sounds like a warm and fuzzy term, but holiday heart syndrome is actually a dangerous phenomenon. It refers.


December 18, 2023
two women toasting glasses, coping with family drinking at holiday gatherings

How to Deal With Family Drinking and Stay Sober During the Holidays

Holidays bring up a lot of mixed feelings. Most of us just want to have fun, visit, and be accepted.


December 1, 2023
several people toasting beer glasses over a cholesterol heavy meal

How Do Beer and Alcohol Affect Your Cholesterol?

38 percent of Americans suffer from high cholesterol, and many also consume large amounts of alcohol. Does alcohol increase cholesterol?.


November 16, 2023
non-alcoholic beverages

The Nonalcoholic Beverage Explosion

In the last few years, the demand for nonalcoholic drinks has gone through the roof. Sales of no- and low-alcohol.


August 16, 2023
Several people's hands are joined by holding each other's wrists, to form a circle as a symbol of unity and community.

BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It impacts how we view ourselves, handle stress, build relationships, and.


July 26, 2023
young man with headache, hangover pills

Why Do Hangovers Get Worse With Age?

You’re never too old to have a good time. But when the good times involve alcohol, you might notice that.


June 13, 2023
girl chasing a man on bicycle next to shoreline with american flags

Should You Try Dry July?

Following in the footsteps of Dry January and Sober October, Dry July encourages people to press pause on their drinking..


June 2, 2023
person standing on rocks overlooking ocean

Grief and Alcohol: How To Cope With Loss Without Drinking

Grief is a response to deep sorrow, often caused by the loss of a loved one. It’s a heavy emotion.


May 18, 2023
people partying under blue and red lights

Is Alcohol a Stimulant or a Depressant?

Most addictive substances fall into one of two categories: stimulants (“uppers”) or depressants (“downers”). These terms refer to the opposite.


May 4, 2023
sad-looking woman in black shirt looking into the distance

Overcoming Anhedonia After Addiction

While recovery from addiction generally makes you feel much better in the long run, some people find themselves in low.


April 25, 2023
red lit photo of man drinking beer alone at a bar

How Does Alcohol Affect Men’s Health?

Alcohol is a global health issue, but research shows that it’s also a serious men’s health issue. An estimated 16.


April 4, 2023
syringe and pills on blue and yellow background

What Is the Difference Between Naloxone and Naltrexone?

Naloxone and naltrexone are both FDA-approved opioid antagonists. They bind to opioid receptors in the brain to block the effects.


March 7, 2023
group of friends toasting glasses over a dinner table

Why Is Alcohol Addictive?

Glamorized in movies, consumed with dinners and sporting events and parties, and considered socially acceptable in most circles, alcohol is.


March 2, 2023
pattern of circular white pills on a light blue background

Can You Take Spironolactone To Treat Alcohol Use Disorder?

There are currently three FDA-approved medications for treating alcohol use disorder (AUD), along with several off-label options. But medications aren’t.


February 7, 2023
sheet of black and white brain images

How Does Alcohol Affect Your Brain?

It’s well-known that alcohol affects the brain. After all, most people have experienced feeling euphoric and excited, confused, or even.


January 26, 2023
loving pregnant couple lying on grass

Should You Stop Drinking When Trying To Get Pregnant?

We all know that drinking during pregnancy is harmful for the baby. But what about when you’re trying to conceive?.


January 10, 2023
Hand with wristwatch against pink clouds

What Happens When You Stop Drinking?

Choosing to give up alcohol is the start of a challenging journey, but it’s incredibly worthwhile. Long-term, excessive drinking changes.


November 15, 2022
hourglass with red sand

How Long Does Alcohol Stay in Your System?

There is no set answer to the question “How long does alcohol stay in your system?” It depends on how.


November 1, 2022
person pouring wine into glass at outdoor table

Why Can It Take People So Long To Realize Their Drinking Is Unhealthy?

You probably have an image in your mind of what alcohol addiction or being an “alcoholic” looks like. Whatever that.


August 18, 2022
man running up an outdoor flight of stairs

What Are My Options For Non-12 Step Recovery?

So, you’re interested in changing your relationship with alcohol, but you’re not sure if 12 step recovery is a good.


August 9, 2022
friends raising wine glasses at outdoor dinner party

Moderation vs. Abstinence: Should You Cut Back or Quit Drinking Completely?

Many people think that abstinence is the only solution for problem drinking. Abstinence means giving up alcohol completely, and it’s.


July 5, 2022
4 glass bottles reused as vases

No Alcohol for a Month: The Benefits and What To Expect

Giving up alcohol forever may seem intimidating or even impossible, but what about going alcohol-free for one month? As people.


May 3, 2022
woman with climbing gear scaling a gray wall

What Is the Role of Willpower In Addiction Recovery?

The word “willpower” is a double-edged sword when it comes to recovery from addiction. On the one hand, it’s important.


February 8, 2022
hand grasping blanket black and white

Delirium Tremens: What It Is and How To Treat It

When long-term heavy drinkers suddenly quit, they generally experience withdrawal symptoms. That’s because, over time, the central nervous system (CNS).


November 11, 2021
woman holding book over her face

Alcoholic Nose (Rhinophyma): The Real Cause, and How to Treat It

Long-term, heavy consumption of alcohol affects nearly every part of the body, including your physical appearance. One physical side effect.


November 4, 2021
stone wall of denial

What Is the Role of Denial in Alcoholism?

Denial is one of the biggest barriers to treatment for alcohol addiction. When people can’t admit to having a problem,.


November 1, 2021
hiding face behind curtain

Alcohol and Your Face: Why Do You Get Puffy or Red After Drinking?

It’s well-documented that alcohol can cause serious health problems. But it’s not only your liver, heart, brain, and other internal.


October 25, 2021
oxygen tanks underwater

How Does Alcohol Affect Your Oxygen Level?

Alcohol has a number of effects on the human body, many of which are well-known and often-discussed. But one topic.


October 5, 2021
hand inserting acupuncture needles

Can Acupuncture Help With Alcoholism?

Acupuncture has been used to treat chronic and acute health conditions for thousands of years, but has only recently become.


September 28, 2021
fast cars driving through tunnel risky driving

Dangers of Drinking and Driving: How Does Alcohol Affect Your Driving?

Alcohol and driving is a dangerous and frequently deadly combination. About one-third of fatal car crashes in the United States.


September 23, 2021
line of illuminated green beer bottles

Alcohol Addiction Statistics and Facts in the United States

Many people in the U.S. have felt the impact of alcohol abuse on their own lives, but few realize the.


September 7, 2021
pink neon wash room sign

Breaking the Seal: Why Does Alcohol Make You Pee More? 

As many of us know, drinking alcohol on a night out can involve a lot of bathroom breaks. It’s common.


August 24, 2021
three women holding flowers with their backs to the camera

Alcohol and Women’s Health

Alcohol use is a growing health concern among women. While men have historically consumed more alcohol and shown higher rates.


August 23, 2021
bride and groom dancing at wedding reception

7 Tips for Planning a Fun Sober Wedding

While some people may be taken aback by the idea of a dry wedding, there are many good reasons to.


August 16, 2021
young woman experiencing anxiety

Why Don’t People Get Help for Addiction?

In 2019, 21.6 million people aged 12 and above in the United States needed substance use treatment. Only 4.2 million.


August 10, 2021
purple, red, and gold colored lips on pink background

Why Does Red Wine Stain My Lips?

Have you ever enjoyed a glass or two of red wine, only to find yourself with an embarrassing case of.


July 12, 2021
wine and cheese platter on table

How to Remove Wine Stains from Your Teeth

Wine is arguably the alcohol with the best reputation. It’s seen as classier and more socially acceptable, and we often.


July 9, 2021
closeup of a woman with long hair smiling

Is Alcohol Bad for Your Teeth?

Most people are familiar with the impacts of heavy drinking on the liver, brain, and other organs. But excessive alcohol.


July 8, 2021
two women lying on the grass covering each others eyes

My Sister Drinks Every Day: How Can I Help Her Quit?

It’s extremely difficult to watch someone you love struggle with addiction or alcoholism. If you’re worried that your sister is.


June 1, 2021
mother and child lying in bed

Alcohol and Breastfeeding: Is It Safe To Drink When You Have an Infant?

It’s common knowledge that drinking alcohol while pregnant is not safe for the baby. But what about after the baby.


May 11, 2021
man leaning against the wall with his hands pressed against his temples

Alcohol and Chronic Pain: Does Drinking Hurt More Than It Helps?

People have used alcohol to numb or relieve pain since ancient times. It’s even a popular TV trope: characters in.


May 7, 2021
crowd gathered outdoors at a college party

Alcohol, Hazing, and College Drinking

Along with football games, dorm life, and late-night study sessions, alcohol consumption is a staple of the college experience for.


April 26, 2021
how to tell your friends you don't drink, 4 friends talking

How To Tell Your Friends You Don’t Drink Anymore

When you first decide to stop drinking, navigating your social life can be tricky—especially if alcohol has typically played a.


January 21, 2021
diagram of human torso with pancreas

Pancreatitis and Alcohol: How To Limit Your Risk

The pancreas is a large gland located behind the stomach which regulates blood sugar and aids in digestion. When the.


January 11, 2021
women hanging out newly sober friend

Is It Okay to Drink Around Your Newly Sober Friends?

When a friend or family member makes the decision to get sober, you want to support them. But if your.


December 14, 2020
couple watching sunset, getting sober in a relationship

Can Two Alcoholics Get Sober Together?

It’s common for people who drink or use drugs to do so with their romantic partner. Couples spend a lot.


December 11, 2020
two people holding hands how to stay sober when your spouse still drinks

How to Stay Sober When Your Spouse and Loved Ones Still Drink

Long-term sobriety can be challenging—but it’s even more difficult when your spouse and loved ones continue to drink. Socializing with.


November 16, 2020
happy couple, what to expect when your spouse stops drinking

What to Expect When Your Spouse Stops Drinking

Alcohol use disorder can put a strain on any long-term relationship. If your spouse has decided to stop drinking, you.


November 13, 2020
hand holding beer what it secondhand drinking

What Is Secondhand Drinking?

You’ve probably heard the term “secondhand smoke,” which refers to environmental tobacco smoke accidentally inhaled by nonsmokers. Secondhand smoke is.


October 16, 2020
fireworks display celebrating recovery

Celebrating Recovery This September—And All Year Round

Every September, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) sponsors National Recovery Month. It’s a time to share.


September 1, 2020
drink responsibly people around bonfire

7 Tips For Keeping Party Drinking Under Control

Have you ever told yourself you would take it easy on a night out, only to wake up with a.


July 28, 2020
drinking 8-12 beers a day, sitting on a shelf

Are You Drinking 8-12 Beers a Day?

When people think of alcoholism and alcohol dependence, they often picture a person knocking back hard liquor. Beer tends to.


June 23, 2020
dating an alcoholic, couple by window in restaurant

Dating an Alcoholic: 11 Signs, and What You Can Do

Have you noticed that your significant other is drinking more than they used to? Or have you recently met someone.


March 3, 2020
woman sitting on the floor clutching her head, hangover anxiety

How to Deal with Hangxiety (Hangover Anxiety)

If you’ve ever had a long night of drinking, you’ve likely experienced the physical effects of a hangover. These might.


February 11, 2020
can an alcoholic ever drink normally? Woman smiling with a glass

Can An Alcoholic Ever Drink Normally Again?

It’s often thought that those who struggle with alcoholism can never return to a normal pattern of drinking. Even one.


November 5, 2019
mental health apps sitting on the beach

9 Mental Health Apps to Help You Reset Your Habits

Mental health care is among our society’s greatest needs, yet it’s also one of the most neglected. Mental health apps.


October 15, 2019
national recovery month woman walking on forest road

Did You Know that September is National Recovery Month?

Addiction and mental illness are issues that affect our lives and communities every day. National Recovery Month, sponsored by the.


September 30, 2019