Dr. Samuel Leibovici is a board-certified internist with over 14 years experience in internal medicine. He is also board certified in addiction medicine, with over five years of clinical experience in the field. He is licensed to practice in 7 states, and is currently a member of Ria’s medical team.
Dr. Leibovici completed his internal medicine residency at Eastern Virginia Medical School, eventually earning licenses in California, Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Missouri. In addition to his expertise in addiction treatment, he holds both a Master of Science and Bachelor of Science in biochemistry, which remains a strong interest of his to this day.
Having treated substance abuse in both outpatient clinics and telemedicine programs since 2015, Dr. Leibovici brings deep empathy and experience to his work with Ria’s members. He is committed to helping each person reach their goals through the most up-to date treatment methods, and supporting them throughout the process.
Dr. Leibovici currently resides in California, where he provides free medical services to members of his community. When not working, he enjoys stand-up and improvisational comedy, obstacle races such as Tough Mudder and Spartan Race, cooking, and spending time with his family.